How to Join

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series The Buzz 01-01


If you want to be a part of the AMSociety, then this section will give you all the information you need.

We welcome magicians, both professional and amateur, to apply to join the Amsterdam Magic Society.


  1. Apply with a proposer and seconder who are members and have known you for six months.
  2. Get interviewed in person or via Zoom by the examination team who will see if you have the required skill and competence to start the process of becoming a full member. You will be required to perform some skill-based magic.
  3. If you meet the conditions based on your interview, you’ll be invited to take your examination. This will be in the form of a show with other performers. If you live abroad, there will be an alternative examination process. While waiting for your examination, you’re welcome to enjoy a ‘light’ version of your AMSociety membership.
  4. If you pass your exam, the judges will notify the Board of the Amsterdam Magic Society and ratify the judges’ decision. Tadaa! You are a member of the AMSociety!


* 10% discount at the Amsterdam Magic Show
* Access to the Facebook- group and its archive
* Monthly digital newsletter * Access to the seminars, both virtually and in-person


Standard membership fee is €75.
If you’re aged 65 or above or live 20km outside of Amsterdam, the fee is €60. Lastly, if you live outside of the EU, membership fee is €50.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us via:

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