Welcome to the AMSociety!

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series The Buzz 01-01


My name is Fritz met een Z And as the youngest president of any magic society in the Netherlands, I’m happy to welcome you to the Amsterdam Magic Society.

The AMSociety comes from the desire to have a magic community in Amsterdam with its focus mainly on international magicians. The AMSociety is affiliated with the Amsterdam Magic Show but both function independently. The Show focuses more on setting up shows and performing for audiences, while the Society has its focus on learning, sharing, and improving.

Is the AMSociety only for magic enthusiasts in Amsterdam? No. Like the Magic Castle in Hollywood and Magic Circle in London, one can become a member while living in a different city or country. One of our initiatives is to have an active Facebook group where magic can be discussed and there will also be the occasional magic lecture and/or performance via Zoom.

The AMSociety also intends to be different than other magic societies. Do you want to perform? Great, we offer nights where you can share your act. Do you want to learn specific magic? Amazing, the Society is well diverse and ready to help. Are you interested in the history of magic? Fantastic, we have many magicians that know the history of several aspects in magic.

Besides the magic aspect, we also try to implement other areas into our gatherings. For example, improvisation or how to add comedy to your magic. What about the business side of magic? Or how do make certain magic props?

We hope you will enjoy your magic with us. Have fun reading the next pages. I look forward to welcoming you at our next gathering!

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