WELCOME! As I write this, Easter has just passed. Not only that, but we also had our first meeting at Mascini. It was a good first start and it was a lot of fun.…

WELCOME! As I write this, Easter has just passed. Not only that, but we also had our first meeting at Mascini. It was a good first start and it was a lot of fun.…
May 3 – Workshop Martin Hansson & Leif Olberius, from 19:00 -23:00 in the Q- Factory amsterdammagicsociety.gmail.com May 4 Amsterdam Magic Show, Boom Chicago, https://www.amsterdam- magic.com/ May 8 – Amsterdam Magic Society, Mascini May…
Martin Hansson and Leif Olberius perform in the Amsterdam Magic Show on May 4th in Boom Chicago get your ticket here And they offered to provide feedback to the acts of magicians. They will…
The first Amsterdam Bar Magic Show took place at Café de Buurvrouw, a colourful baroque bar nearby Rokin. The place looks like a welcoming museum of the weird, an ideal setting for this particular…
Nine Magicians Walk into a Bar… This is exactly the summary of our long weekend in Bulgaria. Slightly chaotic, a little too much alcohol every now and then, and above all top- notch magic…
Isaac Fawkes, The Sleight of Hand Man, was a popular showman in the early 1700s. He was often satirized for practicing what was considered a low-brow art. Painter and critic William Hogarth frequently mocked…
This book is for anyone who has ever had a dream. For anyone who wants to remember how magic works. Romany – Diva of Magic, is a successful female magician. She performs her award-winning…
It is something that we can trace back to Paleolithic times when cave paintings were made of a shaman laying on the ground in a trance wearing a birdlike mask (the symbol of transcendence and…