- A Note from Our President
- The Stand-Up Lecture
- Agenda, May 2023
- Martin Hansson & Leif Olberius
- Happy Hour at Café De Buurvrouw
- Looking for Erdnase
- Golden Cat 10th Anniversary
- Isaac Fawkes was known as the Sleight of Hand Man
- Spun into Gold (Book Tip)
- Symbolism is a wonderful, magical and mystical thing
This book is for anyone who has ever had a dream. For anyone who wants to remember how magic works. Romany – Diva of Magic, is a successful female magician. She performs her award-winning one-woman comedy magic show all over the world in beautiful theatres. But as a chubby little girl, her dream of making it in showbiz didn’t look likely. This is not a tale of overnight success but a rollercoaster story of determination and persistence —about deciding that you’re going to walk stubbornly towards your heart’s desire and not stop until you’re there, trusting that the next step will appear—as if by magic.
“It’s the quality of the writing that drags you into this book and the combination of courage, visceral honesty and laugh-out-loud funny that keep you reading. You cannot help but fall in love with Romany’s unfailing optimism, love of humanity and refusal to be cowed by some of the horrors she faces. Had me doing internal fist pumps at her triumphs and provoked genuine tears at her moments of heartbreak. A really wonderful account of the vicissitudes of a career in the arts from a female perspective – if you want the truth about what that entails, read this book!” Paul Harris
“I have just finished Romany’s book Spun into Gold and I absolutely loved it. I laughed, I cried, at times I had to put down the book and clap with delight. But, most of all, I was inspired and encouraged. Thank you, Romany for obeying the call and writing it.” John H
“Oh, that feeling of coming to the end of a wonderful book and wanting to start it all over again … and tell everybody else to read it so I can vicariously share their pleasure? Listen up!
Spun Into Gold is utterly delicious … inspiring … laugh out loud funny … gob-smacking …relatable
to … magical … authentic … heart-breaking … thought provoking … real … and beautifully written.” Sharon B
“Bold, brave and beautiful.
This book might just change your life.
Romany is handing you her sunlight.
Take it.”
Anthony Owens, Producer of Derren Brown TV
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