A Note from Our President

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series The Buzz 01-03



As I write this, Easter has just passed. Not only that, but we also had our first meeting at Mascini. It was a good first start and it was a lot of fun. We even had a few magicians joining us after the meeting. So if you are not a member but still want to hang out with us, you can do so on Monday, May 8th after 22:00.

If you are a member, you will be able to watch back the talks from Rico Weeland about transitioning from close-up to stage and from Mergan about magic for children.

On Wednesday, May 3rd, two guests from Sweden are in Amsterdam: Leif Olberius and Martin Hansson. Both of them are members of the Swedish magic ensemble, Mystique. They offered to provide feedback to the acts of magicians. They will do this at the Q-Factory in Amsterdam from 19:00-23:00. If you are interested, let us know, and we’ll put you on the list. Furthermore, they will perform at the Amsterdam Magic Show on Thursday, May 4th. (See for more information page 7)

We have enough plans for the Society and we hope you are able to join us. Enjoy reading this issue of The Buzz!

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